BA3430F 数据表 (HTML) - Rohm
栏目:公司新闻 发布时间:2024-07-16
 The BA3430S, BA3430F, and BA3430FS are stereo pre-amplifiers with mute detection circuits which have been designed for use in car stereos. The analog circuitry including the pre-amplifier and mute d

  The BA3430S, BA3430F, and BA3430FS are stereo pre-amplifiers with mute detection circuits which have been designed for use in car stereos. The analog circuitry including the pre-amplifier and mute detection and the digital circuitry such as control logic circuits have been combined together on a single chip. This has made it possible to reduce the interface with the microcontroller to five parallel inputs and outputs, and enables a very compact circuit configuration around the tape head.

  The BA3430S, BA3430F, or BA3430FS makes it possible to easily incorporate an ultra-compact, high-precision pre-amplifier board into the mechanical components of a car stereo.